Queensland Aboriginal Creations Exhibition: Agency and Legacy
Apr 24, 2021, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Explore an important Queensland story about a little known yet much loved curio shop called 'Queensland Aboriginal Creations'.
Queensland Aboriginal Creations: Agency and Legacy showcases over 150 works from a fascinating era of Queensland history. Queensland Aboriginal Creations was a State Government owned retail outlet launched in 1959, promising to develop economic opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through mass production and retail of curios and artefacts. Despite decades of government control, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists were radically creative, finding innovative forms of expression and developing an industry. Featuring works from the Torres Strait Islands, Kowanyama, Pormpuraaw, Mornington Island, Hope Vale, Cairns, Yarrabah, Cherbourg and Brisbane.
The Anthropology Museum hosts this special event outside of regular opening hours for visitors during the 2021 Australian Heritage Festival. Join museum staff on a free guided tour of the exhibition Queensland Aboriginal Creations: Agency and Legacy, introducing key highlights and significant artworks.
Plan Your Visit
UQ Anthropology Museum Chancellor Place
Level 1 Michie Building (9), The University of Queensland St Lucia 4072
Event TIme
Exhibit Open 11am to 3pm
Guided Tour 1pm
Event Cost