Australia: The Italian Experience
Apr 19, 2021, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Throughout 2018 and 2019 photographer Sabrina Lauriston and curator Trudie Leigo visited Italian migrants in their homes in Bundaberg, Melbourne and Fremantle. Over many cups of coffee they interviewed migrants about their lives and the sacrifices they made to migrate to Australia in the post war period.
Now in their eighties and nineties this generation of migrants were children or young adults during the Second World War and they have experienced first-hand some of the most significant moments in Twentieth Century history. They have been witnesses to fascism, colonialism, war, hunger, displacement, depression, migration, isolation, racism, exploration and opportunity. Yet despite their extraordinary lives, they humbly believe they are just ordinary people.
Join Sabrina and Trudie for the first public presentation of the photographs captured during this special project and hear what the pair learnt from their time spent reflecting on the past.
This is a free event. Morning tea will be served, please RSVP for catering purposes.
Plan Your Visit
6 Mount Perry Road, Bundaberg, Queensland, 4670
Event Date and Time
April 19 from 9.30am - 11.00am