Creating the Gap Heritage
May 15, 2021, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Visitors will have the opportunity to learn how The Gap suburb came to be what it is today, from early settlers (whose names are honoured today by street names etc) to the start of the residential suburb that is The Gap today. Visitors could perhaps see the land they now occupy as it was many years ago as farming land etc.
The photo display will cover many aspects of Gap life including the advent of schools, churches, shops, transport, post World War 1 Soldier Settlements and recreation.The bus tour will feature sites of local historic interest with commentary by local historians - several of whom are direct descendants of pioneer settlers.They will also be able to view and comment on the draft of Society's Time Line of The Gap project which to date contains over 400 separate entries.
A special heritage style afternoon tea will be provided at Cafe Tara on return from the bus trip highlighting home-made biscuits and tea (coffee and milk drinks will also be available).
Meeting Point: Cafe Tara, 988 Waterworks Rd, Gap 4061
Plan Your Visit
Event Cost
Adult - $15
Child - $8
National Trust Member - $13.50